The Glass, Beads & Jewelry Bazaar is the perfect place to introduce your work to an appreciative audience and expand your customer base. One of the most exciting things about the Gathering is the opportunity to visit (and shop) with our talented artists.
Omaha Marriott Downtown at the Capitol District
222 North 10th Street Omaha, Nebraska 68102
In conjunction with the ISGB Gathering October 26-29, 2023
ONE DAY only
Saturday October 28, 2023
Friday Evening 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Saturday Morning 7-8 am
Open to Public Saturday 9-4 pm
The Bazaar & Vendor area will be held at the Marriott in Omaha Nebraska in conjunction with the ISGB Gathering. FREE and open to the public.
Dates and Fees for Vendors & Bead Bazaar: A full refund will be given until September 21, 2023. No refunds will be given after September 22, 2023, unless the space can be re-sold. Tables are not transferable.
In consideration for leasing the table, exhibitors hereby agree that the International Society of Glass Beadmakers and Marriott Hotels shall have no liability for any damages, injuries, or loss of goodwill due to weather, electrical or mechanical malfunction, reduced attendance, or any other cause. Exhibitors shall not sublease their space, or any portion of their space. Exhibitors agree to indemnify and hold harmless the ISGB from any claim, damage or liability, which may be brought against it, including legal fees, for any matter, incidental transaction relating to The Bead Bazaar or Vendor space.